What is Japandi interior design?
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You may not think that Japan and Scandinavia have a lot in common, but when it comes to design elements, they're very similar. Each one's aesthetics focus on simplicity, natural elements, and comfort, so it's no surprise that we're seeing more and more designers combine the two looks together and calling it "Japandi" (aka Japanese and Scandi). Though a relatively new trend, expect to see Japandi pop up on your Instagram feeds this year.
According to Leni Calas of Ward 5 Design, "Japandi design is the combination of Scandinavian functionality and Japanese rustic minimalism to create a feeling of art, nature, and simplicity."
This fusion creates the perfect blend of function and form, focusing on clean lines, bright spaces, and light colors.

90+ Fall decorating ideas for a beautiful Autumn season
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Southern Living Magazine show you how to bring the warm colors of Fall into your home with these beautiful and simple decorating projects.
There are so many ways to decorate your home in a tasteful and festive way for this season. Pumpkins, gourds, Fall foliage, and pinecones are a handful of popular themes that can serve as inspiration. You can mix all of these elements together across your mantle or you can stagger them artfully down your front steps. You can make a Fall wreath out of miniature pumpkins. Use all cream for a more modern look or brightly colored orange for more Halloween-centric curb appeal.
When decorating for Fall, it is best to get the most bang for your buck and pick one look that will carry you through the tailgate, Halloween, and Christmas seasons.
There's no need to be too holiday specific.

Poppy x Revista Urbana
Meet Urbana
Revista Urbana highlighted Poppy on its December 2018 edition.
"A loja online Poppy nasceu pelas mãos de Catarina Rogado, de 27 anos e comercializa mais de 3000 tecidos e papéis de parede de marcas de luxo, caso de Ralph Lauren, Christian Lacroix, Aldeco, Sahco, Jane Churchill, entre outras. Boas compras em www.poppy.pt"

Poppy x IADE-UE
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IADE-UE highlighted Poppy on its November 2018 newsletter.
"Catarina Rogado, licenciatura em Design e mestrada em Design e Cultura Visual pelo IADE - UE, traz até ao mercado a Poppy Shop, com tecidos de decoração de interiores, papéis de parede, padrões intermináveis, texturas peculiares, combinações improváveis e inesgotáveis em todas as cores"

Poppy x Revista Lux Woman
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Revista Lux Woman highlighted Poppy on its May 2019 edition.
"Presente no mercado desde Setembro de 2018, a Poppy é uma loja online de produtos de marca própria, como almofadas decorativas, velas, washbags e tecidos. O projecto foi lançado por Catarina Rogado, 28 anos, e comercializa também mais de 6000 produtos de marcas de luxo, nacionais e internacionais, como Ralph Lauren.."

Poppy x Revista Marketeer
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Revista Marketeer highlighted Poppy on its May 2019 online edition.
"O Dia da Mãe está mesmo à porta e ainda não comprou um presente para assinalar a data? Reunimos algumas sugestões de mimos que pode oferecer à melhor mãe do mundo: livros, óculos de sol, relógios, peças de decoração ou calçado estão entre as opções. Veja se encontra uma proposta que lhe agrade. Vamos às compras?"